A BBL(BroadBand Light) also known as a Photofacial is one of the latest and most advanced technologies in light therapy. It sets the standard for treating skin conditions associated with aging, skin damage, and discoloration.
With little downtime, a BBL Photofacial can improve pigment associated with sun damage as well as broken capillaries secondary to chronic sun exposure and rosacea and improve overall tone, texture, and elasticity of the skin. Regularly used at high-end resorts and spas, this procedure uses specific wavelengths of light to treat reds and browns and when performed as a Forever Young BBL also delivers broadband light to uniquely target skin in such a way that it improves the elasticity of the skin.
Depending on what kind of results you desire, there are many options to choose from when it comes to photofacial procedures. Both the Sciton BBL Photofacial and the BBL Forever Young Photofacial have their own specific benefits and their best cases for use. Speaking with your provider about your goals is the best way to figure out which option is best for you.
Sciton BBL Photofacial
This type of photofacial treatment works best as a series of treatments that take place once a month over several months. This is a corrective phototherapy treatment that targets superficial skin changes such as freckles, sun damage, redness, and broken capillaries also known as telangiectasias. After this procedure your overall skin appearance will be more even, less mottled – I like to say it is like creating a clean slate. The procedure can be a little spicy but is absolutely tolerable, and there is relatively little downtime, usually less than two weeks but any after-effects are easily covered with tinted sunscreen. If browns are the target they may appear darker initially and then flake off after 7 to 10 days. If redness is the target the laser shrinks the vessels and initially the treated vessels may appear purplish and the body will clear these again after 7 to 10 days. Multiple treatments are typically necessary to see the desired results.
Sciton Forever Young BBL Photofacial
This procedure differs from the other in that it targets changes at the levels of skin’s DNA to repair and stimulate. Performed once every three months, it also improves discoloration and redness but as part of your routine skin maintenance, it improves skin tone and elasticity. There is little to no downtime in recovery. Many women report being able to reapply their make-up right after the procedure is finished.
It might be easy to think of the Forever Young BBL as skin maintenance because yes, it can treat existing skin damage but it is really great at restoring and is a true preventative. This is something to easily add as part of your skin maintenance especially when first using the Sciton BBL Photofacial as the initial skin “clean up”. The Sciton Forever Young BBL may be used to fight signs of aging anywhere on the body. The typical Sciton BBL Photofacial will focus on the parts of the skin where one may have a particular problem (reds or browns) that need to be addressed.
How Do I Know Which Is Right for Me? Contact us today to discuss your goals for your photofacial with your provider and determine which procedure is a better fit for you.