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Former NFL Quarterback Supports Men’s Skin Health

FedEx Air & Ground NFL Players of the Year Press ConferenceFormer New York Giants Quarterback Phil Simms has stated that he had skin cancer, and is now using his “Spot Me” campaign to help raise skin health awareness for men of all ages.
After visiting a Dermatologist for spots that he had all over his body, Simms was informed that he had many cancerous spots within his skin. He then underwent multiple Mohs Micrographic Surgeries to remove the cancerous portions of skin, and is now wanting to share health information to those men who many not be aware. “Many men aren’t concerned with issues regarding skin health,” notes Dr. Adam Mamelak, a board certified Dermatologist and Mohs Micrographic Surgeon in Austin, TX. “Many men spend a majority of there time outside, whether it be for work, sports, or fun, and they aren’t considering the risks that this exposure has on their skin,” he adds.


Simms has organized for mass skin cancer screenings to take place at three NFL events so that men have easy access to knowledge and skin checks. Those events include:

  • Atlanta Falcons Training Camp: Week One (July 25-27)
  • Chicago Bears Pre-Season Family Fest (August 2)
  • Dallas Cowboys Home Opener Game (September 7) and Cowboys Rally Day (September 8)

“I think it’s fantastic that he is offering this service to men who normally wouldn’t participate in this sort of screening,” shares Dr. Mamelak. The recent rise of celebrities and athletes supporting the awareness of skin diseases and skin cancer is very beneficial to the public, as they are using their fame for a greater purpose. “Simms is helping save the lives of many men, and I hope many more follow in his footsteps,” Dr. Mamelak says.

For more information about the “Spot Me” Campaign, visit

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If you are in the Austin area, and are interested in getting a skin check, contact us today and we are more than happy to offer a Skin Cancer Screening and any information you need regarding skin cancer and your skin health!

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