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What Are Dynamic Rhytides?

What is a “rhytid” you ask? Well you would know them by their less formal title… wrinkles! Believe it or not, not all wrinkles are created equal. With the various classifications and names of wrinkles out there, there are also an assortment of treatment options for each type.

What is a Dynamic Rhytid?

“Dynamic rhytides are fine lines that arise in areas of motion,” explains Dr. Miriam Hanson, board-certified Dermatologist and cosmetic expert at Sanova Dermatology in Austin, Texas. Most commonly, these include the areas around the eyes, between he eyebrows and forehead. “The muscles in these areas are used all day long. Whether we’re concentrating, laughing, taken by surprise or raising an eyebrow, our frequent facial expressions eventually leave definition lines in our skin.” Luckily there are multiple treatments that can help with minimizing these undesirable creases and folds in the skin.

How Do I Treat Dynamic Rhytides?

“One of the most common and effective ways to treat dynamic rhytides is with neuromodulators like Botox, Dysport, or Xeomin,” shares Dr. Hanson. These products are used to relax the muscles that causes the creases to develop. The result is a more smooth and youthful appearance. “For deeper wrinkles and folds, a dermal filler could be a viable option,” says Dr. Hanson. Fillers like Juvederm, Restylane, and Belotero are able to fill these folds, giving a more even appearance to the skin and eliminate the rhytid.

If you are not looking to treat your lines with injectables, there are other alternatives. Sublative Skin Resurfacing is used to help tighten skin, reform collagen and can be an effective tool to fight the signs of aging. ” Chemical Peels can also be quite beneficial if you are looking to minimize minor lines,” says Dr. Hanson. Peels help in expediting the cell turnover in the skin, stimulating collagen production and tighten and firm the skin. Micro-needling and a variety profession skin care products can also offer wrinkle relief.

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Are you looking for ways to treat your dynamic rhytides? Please contact us to set up a consultation!

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