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Caring for Your Previously Sun Damaged Skin

It’s hard to believe it now, but not too long ago sitting out in the sun covered in baby oil was the thing to do. “Having a golden tan was popular and seen as a healthy glow,” says Dr. Adam Mamelak, a board certified Dermatologist and Mohs surgeon at...

Why Do You Get Squamous Cell Carcinoma?

Squamous Cell Carcinoma is one of the three most common types of skin cancers found in the United States. It’s twice as likely to occur in men and is often diagnosed in patients over the age of fifty, though in recent years, more and more people are being...

Is your School’s Sunscreen Policy Affecting your Child’s Health?

Every day we are learning more and more about the effects of the sun on our skin. Not only can the sun cause premature aging, but it can lead to skin cancer as well. The more often we are subjected to skin issues, like sunburns, the more likely we will develop skin...

What Makes A Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Skin More Aggressive?

Being told you have skin cancer is alarming to say the least, but if you’ve been diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), exactly how worried should you be? Of the three most common types of skin cancer, SCC is considered less serious than melanoma, but...