Medical researchers are constantly working to find new and more precise ways to treat the many health conditions and diseases found worldwide. Each and every discovery makes an impact on patients, which can ultimately be a life-changing experience. Skin Disease is no...
More and more medical studies are being performed examining the potential health benefits of cannabis, or marijuana. “It turns out this taboo drug has been found relieve conditions like chronic pain, nausea, and even anorexia,” notes Dr. Adam Mamelak, a...
Most of us are at least somewhat familiar with the basic skin “types” — oily, dry, combination, sensitive and normal — but may still be a bit confused about how to characterize our own skin. The easiest place to start is by asking yourself...
Lichen Nitidus is a bumpy rash that typically develops in children and young adults, but it can affect anyone. It’s not known what causes it, but luckily it isn’t harmful. “It appears as clusters of bumps or papules which are smaller than a pinhead....
Is your skin feeling dry and flaky? Worried winter is making you morph into some sort of reptile? Don’t fret because you aren’t alone. The dreaded winter itch strikes young and old alike. “The dry, flaky, itchy skin condition commonly referred to as...
Hand eczema, sometimes referred to as hand dermatitis or dishpan hands, affects approximately 10 percent of the population. The condition is most common among those who are in frequent contact with chemicals or irritants, such as janitors, mechanics, hairdressers, and...