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How Can I Treat My Sun Damage?

Skin damage from overexposure to the sun is a legitimate concern for all of us. Medical research shows that ultraviolet or UV rays from the sun are behind 80% of our skin aging. There are ways you can help reverse sun damage in your skin to keep skin refreshed and...

10 Things Your Skin Is Trying To Tell You

A rash or blemish on the skin can sometimes be a window to an underlying health issue. Often times people may reach for an ointment or cream to clear the visible problems on their skin, but consider what your body may be telling you. “Those unwanted blemishes or...

5 Ways VBeam Laser Treatments Will Improve Your Skin

Your skin is the largest and most visible organ you have, and taking proper care of it is vital for preservation. But with aging, ultraviolet light (sun), and living a certain lifestyle, doing what is right by your skin is sometimes easier said than done. At Sanova...