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What Are The Causes of Psoriasis?

Psoriasis Treatment in Austin, TXWhat causes psoriasis? Psoriasis is actually far more than a simple skin condition, it is actually an autoimmune disease. In the case of psoriasis the body’s immune system is overactive and overproduces cells.There are many different types of autoimmune diseases, with psoriasis being the most common of them.

What Are The Symptoms Of Psoriasis?

“Psoriasis is characterized by an abnormal growth of skin cells resulting in large, rough patches of skin called plaques, which accounts for about 85% of all psoriasis cases,” states Jennifer Jordan, physician assistant at Sanova Dermatology in Austin, Texas. There are other types of psoriasis including psoriatic arthritis, inverse psoriasis, and guttate psoriasis among others. In all cases, the underlying cause is an autoimmune disorder.

What Causes Psoriasis?

Like other autoimmune diseases, the exact cause of psoriasis remains poorly understood. It is believed that it is a combination of genetic and environmental factors that lead to the development of this disease. In fact, about 1/3 of people with psoriasis have a family history of the disease.

What Treatments Are Available?

The primary treatment option for most patients with psoriasis is the use of a topical agent, generally some type of cortisone cream.  If topical treatments are not enough a Doctor may recommend the use of UV therapy. Used in small doses UV therapy has been shown to have a beneficial effect for psoriasis patients.

Should treating local areas be ineffective a more systemic approach may be necessary. There has been a large amount of research in the field of psoriasis. “One of the newer treatment options for psoriasis patients is the use of medications called biologics,” explains Jordan. There are different types of biologics for different types of autoimmune diseases. They work by targeting and inhibiting a specific response in the immune system, which often helps to alleviate the symptoms of a patient.

Contact Us

Are you concerned that you may be experiencing psoriasis? Contact your local Sanova Dermatology to be evaluated!