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Nevus Spilus: What You Should Know

If you have a tan patch on your skin with several smaller spots inside of it, you may have a birthmark known as Nevus Spilus. This speckled multicolored skin lesion is relatively common, and occur from infancy into adulthood. If you are diagnosed with it, you should know and understand what to do next.

“Multicolored moles is one of the signs we tell patients to look out for,” says Dr. Adam Mamelak, board certified dermatologist and skin cancer specialist in Austin, Texas. “This is why it is so important to recognize Nevus Spilus for what it is, and differentiate it from something much more serious.”Nevus

Nevus Spilus, also called Speckled Lentiginous Nevus, is considered to be a congenital condition, which means that it has been present since birth, but some people may not develop the lesion until adulthood. Additionally, these patches can be relatively small, or cover large portions of the body. How exactly it appears is unique to every individual who suffers from the condition.

Although Nevus Spilus is typically benign, it should be monitored for any changes in shape and color. “Like other moles on the body, changes in appearance as well as symptoms such as itching or bleeding can be worrisome signs indicative of skin cancer,” says Dr. Mamelak. Similarly, Nevus Spilus has been reported to transform into melanoma. In other words, these patches should be monitored from whenever you are diagnosed for the rest of your life, because they can turn malignant. Therefore, it’s important to see a dermatologist to properly diagnose you and keep a close eye if you believe you have this condition, to help you protect yourself and your skin.

If you suffer from Nevus Spilus and your dermatologist considers it to be dangerous or having a high chance of becoming dangerous, removing the birthmark is often recommended. Surgery is often the most effective method to remove all of the marked skin. You should note that if your patch of Nevus Spilus is large, surgery can leave a scar. On the other hand, the peace of mind you’ll get knowing that you have removed a potentially cancerous skin lesion may well be worth it for you.

Contact Us

Dr. Mamelak treats patients with skin cancer and other dermatologic skin conditions at Sanova Dermatology and the Austin Mohs Surgery Center. If you have a birthmark or mole that you are concerned about, you should get it examined by a Dermatologist. To learn more about how we can help you, please contact us.

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