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Product Spotlight | EltaMD UV Lip Balm Broad-Spectrum SPF 31

Consistent evidence shows that chronic sun and ultraviolet light exposure is one of the leading causes of skin cancer. With more and more cases of melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma being seen every year, it is important to develop an effective strategy for protecting yourself from the sun. “Skin cancer is all too common,” says Dr. Adam Mamelak, board certified dermatologist and skin cancer expert in Austin Texas. “We need to protect ourselves, and do what we can to prevent these cancer from developing in our friends and family.”

Dr. Mamelak knows his business. He treats skin cancer patients at Sanova Dermatology and the Austin Mohs Surgery Center in Central Texas. “Properly applying sunscreen is one of the best ways to guard against skin cancer and sun damage.” Dr. Mamelak encourages patients not to forget any exposed areas of skin.

Are You Covered?

Beautiful Girl face. Perfect skinSome areas of the body are more often missed when applying sunscreen. “The lips, the ears, the back of the neck, are all common places to see sunbrurns,” Dr. Mamelak claims. “Unfortunately, skin cancer in some of these areas can also behave much more aggressively.”

The lips are a unique area where traditional sunscreens don’t always perform well. The lips also receive an exceptional amount of sun exposure compared to other areas on the body. “I’ve definitely had my share of Mohs surgery patients where significant portions of their lip had to be treated,” Dr. Mamelak shares.

EltaMD is one of the leading manufacturers of skincare lines, which includes a sunscreen intended specifically for your lips!

What’s In A Balm?

UVLipBalm520x320The EltaMD UV Lip Balm boasts an SPF of 31, which is just over the recommended 30 sun protection factor. It is also considered broad-spectrum, referencing its ability to protect against both UVA and UVB radiation. “It’s great to have option like this, especially when lip protection is commonly overlooked in the sunscreen market,” says Dr. Mamelak. The lip balm is comprised both of zinc oxide and octinoxate, which are considered some of the most effective agents for protecting the skin. The balm also incorporates ingredients like glycerin and vitamins that moisturize the lips, while also defending against free radical damage.

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Are you interested in learning about how to protect your skin from the sun? Please contact us today and find out how to minimize your risk against skin cancer. c

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