When talking about acne washes, facials, peels, and aesthetics you often hear the ingredient “Salicylic Acid” tossed around frequently. That is because it is a key factor in helping rejuvenate the skin.
“For many years salicylic has been used as an anti-inflammatory, making it an obvious choice for use on the face of those who are having flare ups of acne and many other skin issues,” states Dr. Miriam Hanson, a Dermatologist and cosmetic skin specialist in Austin, TX. “Salicylic Acid is a key ingredient for calming the face, and is found in many of the facials and peels that we offer at Sanova Dermatology.”
The acid’s calming agents are used for treatment in various skin disorders and issues from acne, to seborrhoeic dermatitis, to psoriasis, and others. The reason that Salicylic Acid is so effective in treatments for these types of skin problems is due to its ability to make the outer layers of the epidermis to shed by adding moisture and discontinuing the skins process of sticking to itself. This shedding of skin then allows for pores to be unclogged and for the minimization of inflammation and diffusion of acne and other skin outbreaks.
“Technically, salicylic acid a classified as a keratolytic agent,” notes Dr. Adam Mamelak, a board-certified Dermatologist at Sanova Dermatology. “It breaks down the bonds between skin cells and helps turn over the skin.” Sticky skin cells are one of the major contributors to acne formation, so breaking the connection allows your pores to open up and become unclogged.
“The acid also helps prevent future build up in the pores,” notes Dr. Hanson. This can be a great relief for those who deal with consistent skin issues related to inflammation and acne.
“In peels, like the PCA Ultra Peel or ViPeel, the Salicylic Acid is combined with other moisturizing and acids with collagen production enhancing properties to formulate a cohesive mixture that will help brighten and rejuvenate the skin,” states Dr. Hanson. “It is rare that we carry a peel that excludes the acid, as it truly helps the skin refresh itself and leave the patient with a brighter complexion.”
There are various levels of salicylic acid, as well as many uses. There are percentages of the acid that are not meant for use on the face, as it could be too strong and harm the skin. It is always good to consult with your Dermatologist when considering peels, facials, or other chemicals combined with the skin.
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At Sanova Dermatology, we are constantly striving to acquire knowledge of the best skin creams, facials, and peels. Contact us if you would like to know more about the skin care products we offer and how they can be used to treat your skin issues.
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